자바 성능 튜닝 이야기 요약 (ch1 - 8)Table of Contents1. desdign pattern1.1. Transfer Object1.2. Service Locator2. APM3. String3.1. string builder3.2. string buffer4. Collection4.1. Set4.1.1. HashSet4.1.2. TreeSet4.1.3. LinkedHashSet4.2. red black tree4.3. List4.3.1. Vector4.3.2. ArrayList4.3.3. LinkedList4.4. Map4.4.1. HashTable4.4.2. HashMap4.4.3. TreeMap4.4.4. LinkedHashMap4.5. Queue4.5.1. priorityQueue4..
c coding convention Table of Contents 1. Name 1.1. functon name 1.2. unit name 1.3. structure name 1.4. variable names on the stack 1.5. poineter name 1.6. global variables 1.7. global constants 1.8. macro name 1.9. enum names 1.10. header file guards 2. formatting 2.1. brace placement 2.2. add comment to end bracelet 2.3. characters in one line 2.4. if then else format 2.5. condition formatting..
Table of Contents 1. ch. 2 1.1. shell 실행 1.2. shell 이란 1.3. permission 1.4. 스크립트 실행 2. ch.3 shell variables and env 2.1. system variable 2.2. variable 사용 2.3. default variable 2.4. naming 2.5. echo 2.6. printf 2.7. quoting (expansion) 2.8. backslash 기타 기능 2.9. export 2.10. unset 2.11. read ( user input) 2.12. arithmetic operation 2.13. readonly (constant var) 2.14. variable null check 2.15. cust..